Monday 24 March 2008

When The Blogging Began

As I sit infront of this glowing laptop surrounded by scribbled notes and what is now a cold mug of coffee I wonder how on earth I am supposed to start this blog. You see, these are my first tentative steps into the increasingly popular world of weblogs and as yet, I haven't quite nailed down a definitive topic for my newly created bundle of joy. All I know is that I want to write.

At this moment in time I am an amateur journalist, desperately trying to break into the media industry. However, while I look for a vacancy that I feel adequately qualified to apply for I am finding myself distinctly out of practice in the writing department.

So here I am experienced bloggers and potential employers, wobbling towards you like a new born foal hoping that my future posts of opinion, anecdotes and anything else that may catch my imagination finds you with open arms, but right now I need to make sense of these notes.


Anonymous said...

This is super good. Will this be a daily blog? I would have to say it also has a good blog name.

Anonymous said...

Talk about Alex and Joe in your blog, you remember, the two guys you were mates with at uni! They are the real stars.


Alex and Joe

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